ZAPP WEEKJOURNAAL ZAPP Weekjournaal, a weekly tv news program aimed at childeren, asked me to create a complete branding package.Besides title design, there was a need for bumpers, transitions, titles, studio loops and also Photoshop and After Effects templates for the graphic department. The goal was to create a soft 3d look which had to go […]
Amsterdam Dance Event 2016 I was asked by Alex Slagter to work on the 2016 campaign of Amsterdam Dance Event. He has been the art director and main designer for Amsterdam Dance Event since the beginning. We had an immediate click and I really enjoyed working on this, it reminded me a lot of how I worked when […]
Studio Powned For the new program Studio Powned I was asked to create an intro sequence, some program graphics and several studio loops. The idea was to break down everything to the bare elements. ROLES: ART DIRECTION / DESIGNPRODUCTIONTEMPLATES/DELIVERIES
Nederland Kiest 2015 In 2015 there were regional elections in The Netherlands. For the NOS I had to create a broadcast package, leaders, bumpers, templates and several infographics. Besides that, there was a need for a redesign of the result screens. ROLES: ART DIRECTION / DESIGNPRODUCTIONTEMPLATES/DELIVERIESINFOGRAPHICS
Het Koninkrijk The NOS produced a 5 part documentary about the history of the dutch Kingdom. For this they needed some program graphics and some small compositing jobs. But the real work was creating around 150 multiplane animations of paintings, drawings and photos. Luckily my wife helped me out masking out a lot of this material. […]
Festival Forensische Zorg Kinetic type animation for the Festival Forensische Zorg. ROLES: ART DIRECTIONMOTION DESIGNPRODUCTION
Cablejuice logo animation Logo animation / site opener for my buddy Cablejuice. Original design of the logo was done by Krijn van Noordwijk. ROLES: DESIGNPRODUCTION MUSIC: CABLEJUICE
BANKGIROLOTERIJ had a monthly special called Kluiskraker. For this Ineeded to design a 3d safe which could be used for broadcast and print and eventually they even made a truck out of the safe. ROLES: ART DIRECTION / DESIGNPRODUCTIONBROADCAST DELIVERIESPRINT DELIVERIES
OPENING RIJKSMUSEUM had a special broadcast about the re-opening of the Rijksmuseum. Besides a leader, there was also a need for program graphics and some bumpers to highlight certain parts of the museum. I created a fairly simple model of the museum and made drawers from the specific areas in the museum. ROLES: MOTION DESIGN3D MODELINGART […]
NOS Avondetappe These photos are classic Tour de France pictures. These photos had to be made more alive for TV, so you don’t get the feeling that you’re watching a slideshow, especially since some of the photos had to be on screen for 20 seconds. Time was quite limited as was the quality of some of […]